Our client has three young children and wanted an outdoor space that allowed for play as well providing an area in which to relax in the evening.

The simple layout of this small town garden provides two seating areas – they are set diagonally opposite each other across the garden to create some movement across this small space. The first area as you step out of the kitchen allows a small space for seating and a BBQ; the second serves as an area to relax. This second deck is built around a fire pit. It is enclosed by two existing mature birch trees and box cladding painted a deep charcoal black. A water feature is located at this end of the garden to enjoy in the evenings together with a real fire.

The decks are a cool grey tone to tie in with the internal flooring. The dark charcoal of the box cladding accents the existing birch trees, bringing out the form and colour of their trunks to create a focal point from the house.

The bespoke cedar fence provides a fabulous backdrop for the planting. These timbers will silver down over time and mirror the cool grey tones of the deck. Thinner battens of cedar form a horizontal trellis on top of the fence, letting light into the garden on both sides.

On the left- hand side, clipped evergreens were underplanted with Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’, with their loose heads of limey green, and domey evergreen shrubs for structure interspersed with herbaceous perennials to add a pop of colour. This planting was repeated on the right- hand side but with the addition of simple evergreen jasmine climbers to provide scent in the summer.


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  • OFFICE: 1B, 7B Parkshot, Richmond TW9 2RD (by appointment only)

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